Sciensano Rue Juliette Wytsman Ixelles. Makes it easier to remember and maintain a new language. The courses are given at Ixelles.
At student's location: Around Ixelles-Elsene, Belgium. Sciensano is a research institute and the national public health institute of Belgium. In the Elsene / Ixelles district of Brussels, close to Avenue Louise, BedinBrussels (Juliette) features free WiFi and a washing machine.
Juliette Henriette TRULLEMANS - Juliette WIJTSMAN.
It is a so-called federal scientific institution that operates under the authority of the federal minister of Public Health and the federal minister of Agriculture of Belgium.
Parim Avalik haldus kohas Ixelles, Pealinna Brüsseli piirkond. Au musée d'Ixelles on trouve une de ses oeuvres : Les Glaïeuls. Sciensano is a research institute and the national public health institute of Belgium.